San Diego Superior Court to Resume Additional In-Person Services and Relax Previous COVID-19 Restrictions
The San Diego Superior Court is restoring additional in-person access in the wake of updated state and local public health guidance that allows for the relaxing of certain COVID-19 safety protocols. Effective June 15, 2021, public access will generally revert to prepandemic levels while many of the recently introduced online and remote options will remain available.
In accordance with state and local public health guidance, facial coverings will be optional for members of the public who are fully vaccinated. Those who are not yet vaccinated are required to wear facial coverings. Temperature and symptom screening at the doors to the courthouses will be discontinued, however, those who are not feeling well or exhibiting symptoms of COVID19 are asked to stay home and seek assistance online, by telephone or via mail
Hand sanitizer stations remain widely available in public spaces within the courthouses. As recommended, higher-rated MERV-13 (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) filters have been installed at all facilities to reduce airborne particles and fresh air circulation has been increased throughout the court facilities where possible. The Court continues to implement increased cleaning of all high-touch areas in the courthouses, including door handles and elevator buttons
“The past year has been one of the most challenging across the Court and our community. We’ve adapted our business processes, increased the use of newer technologies and maintained access to justice amidst constantly changing circumstances and priorities,” said Presiding Judge Lorna Alksne. “Wherever possible, we anticipate maintaining online and virtual service enhancements that were implemented out of necessity. We also look forward to safely welcoming more people back into the courthouse as we make progress toward normal operations and an increase in the number of trials we can hold.”
Public access hours for business office services at all locations will be 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Jury service will gradually be brought back up to pre-pandemic levels. Beginning in mid-July, jurors called to serve in the Central Division in downtown San Diego will resume daily in-person reporting with plans to accommodate 4-5 trials per day. Jurors called to serve at the North, East or South County courthouses will continue to be on telephone standby, calling in for five days to learn if they will need to report in-person the next business day.
Depending on the case type, virtual hearings may still be available for future dates and there may be other options for online resources or assistance outside-of-business hours. Current information by case type:
Criminal |
Civil |
Family |
Juvenile |
Probate |
Traffic/ Minor Offense |
Appeals |
For individuals without attorney representation, online and in-person self-help services are available. In addition to the Family Law Facilitator’s Office for family-related matters, the San Diego Superior Court offers the Small Claims Legal Advisor to provide procedural assistance with small claims filings. Small Claims Legal Advisor assistance will remain available remotely throughout the summer and anticipates resuming in-person services in the fall. The San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program (SDVLP), Legal Aid Society of San Diego (LASSD) and Center for Community Solutions provide walk-in and remote assistance for domestic violence restraining orders. SDVLP and LASSD also provide assistance for civil harassment and elder abuse restraining orders, unlawful detainer matters, and conservatorship or guardianship matters. LASSD is available for assistance with changes of name or gender. For information on all selfhelp services available, please visit
For more about the Court’s operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, including a recently updated guide to all San Diego Superior Court Service Modifications Following COVID-19,please refer to the Court’s website at